The Disciples of Jesus (DOJ) choir is one of the bigger choral groups of the Holy Spirit Catholic Church Music Ministry sharing the responsibility of providing liturgical music to enhance Sunday worship and other liturgies. The DOJ choir consisting of twenty five DOJ prayer group members was formed by the direction and inspiration of Mimy Jones. The DOJ choir sang at 10:30 am mass every first Sunday of the month. They practiced every Monday (except Monday following Sunday service) evening from 7 - 9 pm at building 1070 suite D. Other services (weddings, memorial/funeral, etc.) provided are limited to church and DOJ members.
The Ambassador of Praise (AOP) is an all men's choir, formed six years ago at a wedding of one of the DOJ member's daughter. Like the DOJ, the AOP is also another choir part of the church music ministry. The AOP choir sang at 12:00 noon mass every second Sunday of the month. They practiced every Wednesday (except Wednesday following Sunday service) evening from 7 - 9 pm at 2771 Parkview Terrace, Fairfield.
The Young Adult and Youth (YAY) choir is made up of selected members from the Young Adult and Youth ministry of the Holy Spirit Catholic Church. They sang at 12:00 noon every first Sunday of the month and 10:30 am every third Sunday of the month. They practiced every Friday evening following their prayer meeting at building 1070 suite D.
These choir groups are always looking for dedicated, committed and musically minded/savvy individuals who love to sing for our Lord Jesus. Degree in music or singing is not required (although preferred). If interested, please call Al Castro at (707) 435-8512 or (707) 688-4445 for the DOJ and AOP choir, and/or Ambergrace Castro at (707) 344-7837 for the Young Adult and Youth choir.
Advantages of Singing in the Choir
By Brother Al
In fact, once too many, we find people and eventually ourselves too, shelling out some cash for this ministry. We sweat it out, we defer going home to attend the Saturday rehearsal, thus we go home very late afterwards; and what do we get? We get famished. We get so tired out. Get subjected to tantrums of the choir director perhaps. :) Seriously now, "What's in there for me?" one might ask. Well, read on.