Disciples of Jesus Ministry

Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Fairfield, California

Bible Enthronement in the Home

Inspired by Vatican II that says that Jesus is present in His Word (the Bible) just as He is present in the Eucharist, this practice of Enthroning the Bible in the Home is transforming many homes to be a place where the presence of Jesus is felt by every member of the family who believe.


The practice is that the Bible is placed in an altar in the prominent place in the home (usually in the living room). The Bible is always open to remind the family that Jesus is there in His Words listening to whatever the members of the family say or do. So the members of the family who are initiated to this attitude are then careful not to do or say things that will be displeasing before God. They become careful in the home just as they are careful in the church where they believe that Jesus is present. They may place flowers and electric lights to remind them of Jesus' presence in His Word, in their home.


More over the families that enthroned the Bible are encouraged at least once a week to make a prayerful reading of the bible, with all the members present if possible. The method is very simple so that every one can follow the discussion within that prayerful reading. The method is called Bible Sharing through the seven steps.


Bible Sharing through the Seven Steps

1. We invite the Lord.

a. Will someone please invite Jesus in prayer


2. We read the text.

a. Let us open to _____ chapter _____.
b. Will someone please read verses _____ to _____.
c. Read another translation.

3. We pick out a verse, a phrase or a word and meditate on it.

a. Read it aloud prayerfully.
b. Read again the text.

4. We let God speak to us in silence.

a. We keep silent for … minutes
b. Allow God to speak to us.
Why am I touched?
What is God's message for me?

5. We share what we have heard in our hearts

a. We share what word, phrase or verse has touched us. Why?
b. What is God's message for me? (I share this using the first person singular pronoun, We share "spiritual experience". i.e. How you have lived the Word of life.)

6. We discus what can be done by the group in relation to the Word of God for the good of the family, or community.

a. Report on previous tasks
b. Which new task has to be done? Who is doing what and when?

7. We pray together spontaneously


a. We end with a prayer or hymn we know by heart


Enthronement of Jesus in His Word (the Bible)

Preparation: Alter in the living room attached to the wall. A Bible, candle, or small flickering electric light and flowers.



Keep the Bible in Your Heart
Just do a little kindness for someone everyday.
Just do a little kindness for someone everyday.
Do unto your neighbor, as you want him do to you.
Then you're living like the Bible tells you to.


Put your heart in the Bible, keep the Bible in your heart.If you want to find real peace of mind keep the Bible in your heart.


Lord Jesus, today we enthrone you. We proclaim you are King. Rule over our family,your obedient subjects. Be our shield and protector against Satan, our archenemy. We raise our praises and our thanks to you our King and God. And as we worship build athrone. As our parish worships build a throne. As our family worships build a throne. Come Lord Jesus, take possession of our home.


Isaiah 55: 10-11



John 8:12



Response: Lord we praise You and glorify Your Name.


- Lord Jesus accept our family's offering. Bless this home where we enthrone you in your Word for the praise and glory of your Name, we pray.
- Lord Jesus, may You be a true King, Brother and Friend of the members of our family and all of us present, we pray.
- Lord Jesus, keep us always under the protection of your holy mantle, we pray.
- Lord Jesus, guide and inspire us to do the Father's will in our everyday life, we pray
- Lord Jesus, may You keep us always under protection of Your holy mantle, we pray.
- Lord Jesus, may You keep our hearts burning with love for You and fill our hearts with zeal to spread Your kingdom in the world by doing good and giving service to others, we pray.
- Lord Jesus, may this Bible we enthrone be our guard and protection against the onslaught and powers of Satan and all evil spirits, we pray.
- Lord we now present our individual person intentions in silence … we pray.

Lord God the Giver, Savior and Sanctifier of life we glorify You and praise You in all that we do as a token of our surrender to Your sweet rule. We ask You and praise You in all that we do as a token of our individual personal intentions. Make us worthy to receive.Your Graces everyday of our lives. We ask You this through Christ our Lord. Amen.



Glory and Praise to Our God




Glory and praise to our God,
who alone gives light to our days.
Many are the blessings he bears
to those who trust in his ways.

1. We, the daughters and sons of him
who built the valleys and plains,
praise the wonders our God has done
in ev’ry heart that sings.

2. In his wisdom he strengthens us,
like gold that’s tested in fire.
Though the power of sin prevails,
our God is there to save.

3. Every moment of every day
our God is waiting to save,
always ready to seek the lost,
to answer those who pray. Refrain

4. God has watered our barren land
and spent his merciful rain.
Now the rivers of life run full
for anyone to drink.


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